Research and development projects
Current research and development projects
Funded by: Society for Research Promotion Lower Austria (GFF NÖ) (Project Number: FTI23-C-004)
Project Overview: The CoClimA project aims to promote societal change towards climate-friendly behavior. The focus is on members of existing regional organizations, such as sports clubs, non-profit associations, church communities, or cultural associations, who are actively involved in the research process as citizen scientists. These engaged citizens develop and test various interventions to promote climate-friendly behavior in their region.
Goals and Approach: The central goal of CoClimA is to investigate whether and how citizen engagement translates into changes in social norms and behaviors within the community. Targeted interventions will be developed and implemented to promote climate-friendly behavior. The research focuses on two regions: Römerland Carnuntum and KLAR! Mistelbach-Wolkersdorf.
Tasks include:
- Activation of Citizens: Members of local organizations are encouraged to engage as citizen scientists and direct their activities towards climate protection.
- Development of Interventions: Specific measures to promote climate-friendly behavior are developed together with the citizens.
- Analysis of Social Norms: Investigation of regional social norms regarding climate-friendly behavior and the dissemination of behavioral changes within the regions.
The project will demonstrate how effectively citizen engagement can contribute to promoting social norms regarding climate-friendly behaviors and which interventions are particularly effective. These insights are to be disseminated through collaboration with umbrella organizations to achieve a broad impact.
Duration: 10/2024–09/2027
Project Management:
- Eva Hofmann (Research Projects, FERNFH)
Project Team:
- Karin Waldherr (Institute for Health Sciences, FERNFH)
- Pia Pototschnig
- Sonja Wirgler
- Clarissa Balluch
Project Partners:
- Joanneum Research - represented by Sebastian Seebauer und Hans-Peter Ellmer
- Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS) - represented by durch Barbara Hartl und Kira Abstiens
Funded by: Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) and Province of Lower Austria (project number: 10.47379/LS22030)
Website: kinder-jugendpsychiatrie.meduniwien.ac.at/forschung/projekt-psygeskom
Objective: Development of a game prototype for the smartphone/tablet to promote mental health literacy among 10- to 14-year-old pupils.
With the close involvement of children and adolescents, as well as experts from the fields of psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, social sciences, software and game development, artificial intelligence and fantasy storytelling, a game is being developed that is closely geared to the needs of children and adolescents and enables the development of mental health competence in a playful way.
As part of a controlled study at schools in Vienna and Lower Austria, the prototype of this game will be evaluated on a sample of 240 pupils in terms of its potential effectiveness and user experience.
Duration: 04/2023–03/2027
Project management: Michael Zeiler (Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Medical University of Vienna) & Karin Waldherr (Institute of Health Sciences, FERNFH)
Project team:
- Markus Millendorfer (FERNFH, technical consultant)
- Ursula Prinz (FERNFH, project collaborator & psychotherapist in training)
- Reinhard Staudinger (FERNFH, technical management)
- Andreas Karwautz (MedUni Vienna, child and adolescent psychiatrist)
- Gudrun Wagner (MedUni Vienna, clinical and health psychologist)
- Sandra Vögl (MedUni Vienna, project team member & psychologist)
- Stefan Kollmann (wekadoo & TU Vienna, Artificial Intelligence)
- Angelina J. Steffort ((fantasy author, storytelling)
- Natalie Zeller (fantasy author & sociologist)
- Nino Wagner (FERNFH, project collaborator, game designer)
Project partner: University Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Medical University of Vienna
Client: internal/FERNFH
Aim: The aim of this internally funded research project is to investigate the potential of community-supported agriculture (CSA) in Austria among people with lower incomes and to find out which pricing models and subsidisation schemes are most attractive and acceptable for this target group. The aim is to determine the willingness to participate in a CO-CSA programme, the acceptable price for harvest shares and the preferred forms of subsidisation (e.g. public funding, donations from members, income-based prices). The research aims to understand the specific barriers and motivations for participation in CSAs among economically disadvantaged populations, and ultimately to develop concepts that enable broader participation in this sustainable system and provide both environmental and health benefits.
Duration: 10/2023–06/2024
Project leader: Birgit Teufer
Project collaboration: Vivien Marx
Completed research and development projects
Client: Healthy Austria Fund, a division of Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
Objective: Internal quality assurance of the work of the Austrian Competence and Service Centre for Self-Help (ÖKUSS)
Duration: 11/2021-04/2023
Project manager: Karin Waldherr
Project collaboration: Ursula Prinz; Martina Nitsch (until April 2022)
Project partners:
- ÖKUSS – Austrian competence and service centre for self-help (only available in German)
- Fonds Gesundes Österreich (only available in German)
Funded by: Province of Lower Austria (K3-F-834/001-2018)
Objective: Development, testing and further development of the use of immersive technologies in degree programmes and continuing education courses at the FERNFH; research into the question of how their optimal embedding in a didactic concept can ensure the learning-promoting effect.
Duration: 11/2018–11/2021
Project manager: Barbara Wimmer
Project team members: Katharina Pichler, Markus Millendorfer
Accompanying scientific research/evaluation: Ingrid Wahl, Stefanie Kuso, Martina Nitsch, Anahid Aghamanoukjan
Publications and conference papers:
Wahl, Ingrid, Kuso, Stefanie & Wimmer, Barbara (2022). An assessment of learners' needs in relation to educational videos and immersive learning environments. Digital Psychology, 3(2), 27-35 [online]
Wimmer, Barbara, Lukács, Bence, Kuso, Stefanie & Wahl, Ingrid (2019). Closing the distance: Project on creating immersive environments for distance learning. 18th European Conference on e-Learning, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-8 November 2019. (Poster)
Aghamanoukjan, Anahid, Nitsch, Martina, Millendorfer, Markus, Pichler, Katharina & Wimmer, Barbara (2020). QUALITORIAL - Guidance for social research. 19th E-Learning Day 2020, Graz, Austria, 23 September 2020 [online].
Kuso, Stefanie & Wahl, Ingrid (2020). Evaluation of the development process of immersive learning environments. 19th E-Learning Day 2020, Graz, Austria, 23 September 2020 [online].
Millendorfer, Markus, Wimmer, Barbara, Pichler, Kathrin (2020). What WebXR means for eLearning. ECEL 2020 - 19th European Conference on eLearning, 29-30 October 2020, Berlin (online meeting).
Client: Wiener Gesundheitsförderung GmbH - WiG
Objective: Evaluation of the WiG project ‘Health literacy and quality of dialogue’
Duration: 09/2018–07/2021
Project manager: Karin Waldherr
Project collaborators: Martina Nitsch, Anahid Aghamanoukjan, Stefanie Kuso, Marion Mitter, Corinna Vollert, Larissa Breitenegger, Natalie Waldherr, Sandra Vögl
Project partners:
- Vienna Alliance for Health Promotion in Healthcare Facilities (6 supporting organisations with 10 pilot departments)
- BDO Health Care Consultancy GmbH (process support)
- Vienna Care, Patient and Patient Advocacy Organisation (WPPA)
- Communication trainers & actors
Funded by: Erasmus+ (Grant No. 2018-1-BG01-KA204-047941)
Objective: To promote intercultural competence among people working with refugees and people with a migrant background through the development and application of innovative and creative teaching/learning activities and materials; development and implementation of a train-the-trainer programme using innovative teaching and learning materials.
Duration: 11/2018-07/2021
Project manager: Daniela Wolf, temporary replacement: Karin Waldherr
Project collaboration: Martina Nitsch, Marion Mitter
Project partners:
- ALEF – Center for Jewish-Bulgarian Cooperation (Bulgaria)
- Chamber of Chalkidiki (Greece)
- University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
- University Colleges Leuven-Limburg (Belgium)
Funded by: European Union via the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Objective: The establishment of a comprehensive care model for the promotion of mental health in the form of an online platform with interventions for the prevention, early detection and treatment of common mental illnesses.
Period: 09/2015–08/2019
Website: www.icare-online.eu
Coordination: Univ.-Prof. Dr Corinna Jacobi (TU Dresden)
Project manager at the FERNFH: Karin Waldherr
Project staff: Tanja Adamcik, Stefanie Kuso, Martina Nitsch
Project partners: Technische Universität Dresden, Universitat de Valencia, London School of Economics and Political Science, Universität Bern, Universitat Jaume I de Castellon, Stichting VU-VUMC, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Medizinische Universität Wien, Universität Zürich, King’s College London, Minddistrict Development, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Publications (as of 15 July 2021):
- Jacobi Corinna, Waldherr Karin, Klesges Lisa M., Dorner Thomas E., Taylor C. Barr, on behalf of the ICare consortium. Introduction to the EJPH Supplement “E-Mental-Health: exploring the evidence base and stakeholders perspectives on Internet-based interventions for the prevention of mental health conditions”. Eur J Public Health 2021;31(Suppl.1): i1–i2. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/issue/31/Supplement_1
- Nacke Barbara, Zeiler Michael, Kuso Stefanie, Klesges Lisa M., Jacobi Corinna, & Waldherr Karin. A systematic review of reach, adoption, implementation and maintenance of internet-based interventions to prevent eating disorders in adults. Eur J Public Health 2021;31(Suppl.1):i29–i37. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/issue/31/Supplement_1
- Nitsch Martina, Waldherr Karin, Zeiler Michael, Klesges Lisa, Jacobi Corinna. Stakeholder consultation to facilitate implementation of interventions for prevention and promotion in mental health in Europe: introducing the ICare Stakeholder Survey. Eur J Public Health 2021; 31(Suppl.1):i48–i54. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/issue/31/Supplement_1
- Kuso Stefanie, Nitsch Martina, Zeiler Michael, Simek Monika, Adamcik Tanja, Dey Michelle, Berger Thomas, Krieger Tobias, Weisel Kiona K., Zarski Anna-Carlotta, Ebert David D., Schaub Michael P., Moser Christian T., Botella Christina, Baños Rosa, Herrero Rocio, Etchemendy Ernestina, Nacke Barbara, Beintner Ina, Vollert Bianka, Schmidt-Hantke Juliane, Hütter Kristian, Jacobi Corinna, & Karin Waldherr. Stakeholders’ views on online interventions to prevent common mental health disorders in adults implemented into existing healthcare systems in Europe. Eur J Public Health 2021;31(Suppl.1):i55–i63. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/issue/31/Supplement_1
- Zeiler Michael, Kuso Stefanie, Nitsch Martina, Simek Monika, Adamcik Tanja, Herrero Rocio, Etchemendy Ernestina, Mira Adriana, Oliver Elia, Jones Bell Megan, Karwautz Andreas, Wagner Gudrun, Baños Rivera Rosa Maria, Botella Cristina, & Waldherr Karin. Online interventions to prevent mental health problems implemented in school settings: the perspectives from key stakeholders in Austria and Spain. Eur J Public Health 2021;31(Suppl.1):i71–i79. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/issue/31/Supplement_1
- Irish Madeleine, Kuso Stefanie, Simek Monika, Zeiler Michael, Potterton Rachel, Musiat Peter, Nitsch Martina, Wagner Gudrun, Karwautz Andreas, Bolinski Felix, Karyotaki Eirini, Rovira Carla Soler, Etchemendy Ernestina, Herrero Rocio, Mira Adriana, Cormo Giulia, Baños Rosa, Garcia-Palacios Azucena, Ebert David D., Franke Marvin, Zarski Anna-Carlotta, Weisel Kiona, Berger Thomas, Dey Michelle, Schaub Michael P., Jacobi Corinna, Botella Cristina, Oliver Elia, Gordon Gemma, Spencer Lucy, Waldherr Karin, & Schmidt Ulrike. Online prevention programmes for university students: stakeholder perspectives from six European countries. Eur J Public Health 2021;31(Suppl.1):i64–i70. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/issue/31/Supplement_1
- Schmidt-Hantke Juliane, Vollert Bianka, Hagner Franziska, Beintner Ina, Hütter Kristian, Nitsch Martina, Jacobi Corinna, & Karin Waldherr. Stakeholders’ perspectives on online interventions to improve mental health in eating disorder patients and carers in Germany. Eur J Public Health 2021; 31(Suppl.1):i80–i87. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/issue/31/Supplement_1
- Irish Madeleine, Zeiler Michael, Kuso Stefanie, Musiat Peter, Potterton Rachel, Wagner Gudrun, Karwautz Andreas, Waldherr Karin, & Schmidt Ulrike (2020). Students‘ perceptions of an online mental health intervention: a qualitative interview study. Neuropsychiatrie (published online first 28 December 2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40211-020-00383-5
- Taylor C. Barr, Graham Andrea K., Flatt Rachel A., Waldherr Karin, & Fitzsimmons-Craft, Ellen E. (2020) Current state of scientific evidence on Internet-based interventions for the treatment of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse: An overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. European Journal of Public Health, ckz208. (published online 11 September 2020). https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckz208
- Zeiler Michael, Kuso Stefanie, Nacke Barbara, Klesges Lisa M., & Waldherr Karin (2019). Evaluating reach, adoption, implementation and maintenance of Internet-based interventions to prevent eating disorders in adolescents: a systematic review. European Journal of Public Health, ckz130, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckz130 (published online 13 August 2019)
- Nitsch Martina, Adamcik Tanja, Kuso Stefanie, Zeiler Michael, & Waldherr Karin (2019). Usability and Engagement Evaluation of an Unguided Online Program for Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle and Reducing the Risk for Eating Disorders and Obesity in the School Setting. Nutrients, 11(4), 713, https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11040713 (published online 27 March 2019).
- Beecham Jenny, Bonin Eva-Maria, Görlich Dennis, Baños Rosa, Beintner Ina, Buntrock Claudia, Bolinski Felix, Botella Cristina, Ebert David D., Herrero Rocio, Potterton Rachel, Schmidt Ulrike, Waldherr Karin, Weisel Kiona, Zarski Anna-Carlotta, Zeiler Michael, & Jacobi Corinna (2019). Assessing the costs and cost-effectiveness of ICare internet-based interventions (protocol). Internet Interventions, 19, 12-19. doi: 10.1016/j.invent.2018.02.009 (available online 27 February 2018).
- Beintner Ina, Görlich Dennis, Berger Thomas, Ebert David D., Zeiler Michael, Herrero Camarano Rocio, Waldherr Karin, Jacobi Corinna, & ICare Consortium (2019). Interrelations between participant and intervention characteristics, process variables and outcomes in online interventions: A protocol for overarching analyses within and across seven trials in ICare. Internet Interventions, 16, 86-97. doi: 10.1016/j.invent.2018.05.001 (available online 01 June 2018).
- Jones Bell Megan, Zeiler Michael, Herrero Rocio, Kuso Stefanie, Nitsch Martina, Etchemendy Ernestina, Fonseca-Baeza Sara, Oliver Elia, Adamcik Tanja, Karwautz Andreas, Wagner Gudrun, Baños Rosa, Botella Cristina, Görlich Dennis, Jacobi Corinna, & Waldherr Karin (2019). Healthy Teens @ School: Evaluating and disseminating transdiagnostic preventive interventions for eating disorders and obesity for adolescents in school settings. Internet Interventions, 16, 69-75. doi: 10.1016/j.invent.2018.02.007 (available online 27 February 2018).
- Musiat Peter, Potterton Rachel, Gordon Gemma, Spencer Lucy, Zeiler Michael, Waldherr Karin, Kuso Stefanie, Nitsch Martina, Adamcik Tanja, Wagner Gudrun, Karwautz Andreas, Ebert David D., Dodd Alyson, Dooley Barbara, Harrison Amy, Whitt Emma, Haselgrove Mark, Sharpe Helen, Smith Jo, Tressler Rosie, Troop Nicholas, Vinyard Chantal, Görlich Dennis, Beecham Jenny, Bonin Eva, Jacobi Corinna, & Schmidt Ulrike (2019). Web-based indicated prevention of common mental disorders in university students in four European countries – Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Internet Inerventions, 16, 35-42. doi: 10.1016/j.invent.2018.02.004 (available online 15 March 2018).
Client: Wiener Gesundheitsförderung GmbH - WiG
Objective: Evaluation of the Viennese school fruit programme in which Viennese children were taught the importance of healthy and regional food in order to awaken the joy of enjoying fruit and vegetables and to shape their eating habits in the long term.
Period: 09/2018–09/2019
Project manager at the FERNFH: Karin Waldherr, Martina Nitsch
Cooperation partners: Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Medizinische Universität Wien, Institut für Outcomes Research
Further Information: Wiener Schulfruchtprogramm
Client: Wiener Gesundheitsförderung GmbH - WiG
Objective: Accompanying evaluation of the ‘Generations on the Move’ project. The project initiated by Wiener Gesundheitsförderung focussed on ‘intergenerationality’ - an innovative approach that brings kindergarten children and senior citizens together to exercise.
Period: 09/2014–12/2016
Project manager at the FERNFH: Karin Waldherr
Cooperation partners: Medical University of Vienna, Institute for Outcomes Research; FH Campus Wien, Health Assisting Engineering degree programme
Further Information: Final brochure
Mosor Erika, Waldherr Karin, Kjeken Ingvild, Omara Maissa, Ritschl Valentin, Pinter-Theiss Veronika, Smolen Josef, Hübel Ursula., & Stamm Tanja. (2019). An intergenerational program based on psycho-motor activity promotes well-being and interaction between preschool children and older adults: results of a process and outcome evaluation study in Austria. BMC Public Health, 19:254. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-6572-0
Pinter-Theiss Veronika, Zak Thesi, Hübel Ursula, Mosor Erika, Stamm Tanja, Waldherr Karin (2017). Generationen bewegen. Gesundheitsförderung durch psychomotorische Entwicklungsbegleitung für Jung und Alt. Ein Projektbericht. motorik, 40, 167-172. DOI. 10.2378/motorik2017.art270
Hübel Ursula, Oehlinger Martina, Pinter-Theiss Veronika, Zak Thesi, Waldherr Karin Mosor Erika, Stamm Tanja (2016). Moving Generations – Building bridges between children and older adults by means of psychomotricity. European Journal of Public Health, 26, suppl. 1 (EUPHA 2016 abstract supplement). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckw175.019. First published online: 4 November 2016.
Client: Healthy Austria Fund (FGÖ)
Objective: On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the FGÖ wanted to take stock and commissioned a systematic compilation of facts and figures on project funding and capacity building since 1998 with a focus on the years 2015 to 2017.
Period: 03/2018–08/2018
Project manager: Karin Waldherr
Project team: Judith Hofmarcher, Marion Mitter, Ursula Pfeiffer, Natalie Waldherr