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International researchers: The dark side of digital consumption

As part of the ‘International Researchers’ lecture series, we are delighted to welcome Dr Mateja Kos Koklic from the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business, as a guest speaker. In her lecture, she will address the challenges and risks of digital consumption and take a closer look at two phenomena: Digital Hoarding and Digital Piracy.

Digitalisation has fundamentally changed our consumer behaviour. While many technological developments make life easier, they also bring challenges with them. As part of the ‘International Researchers’ lecture series, we cordially invite you to an exciting lecture by Dr Mateja Kos Koklic from the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business.

In this lecture, she will take an in-depth look at the dark side of digital consumption and shed light on two widespread but often underestimated phenomena: Digital Hoarding and Digital Piracy. This involves the accumulation of digital data and content as well as the problem of the illegal use of digital goods. Both topics have a profound impact on consumers and companies and raise important questions regarding data protection, sustainable consumer behaviour and ethical aspects.

We look forward to your participation!



Dr. Mateja Kos Koklic ist Associate Professor und Chair der Academic Unit for Marketing an der University of Ljubljana. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt im Bereich Konsumentenverhalten, insbesondere in den Themenfeldern nachhaltiger Konsum und digitale Konsumgewohnheiten. Sie hat zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten veröffentlicht und unterrichtet unter anderem die Fächer Digital Marketing und Consumer Behavior.



16:00 Uhr Einleitung & Begrüßung durch Eva Hofmann
16:05 Uhr Vortrag von Matea Kos Kolic
17:30 Uhr Ende der Veranstaltung


Moderation: PDin Mag.a Eva Hofmann – Principal Investigator an der FERNFH




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